Sunday, October 3, 2010

I think I have met Houdini and he lives in my House

Wow, I have really been busy. Did that title grab your attention? Well I hope so because the text message I got from the hubby yesterday did. I was working a booth in Flora to promote my business and I get a text that says Nimbus has escaped his cage. I figured he meant the xpen in which I responded "Are you sure you latched it all the way down? Sometimes it looks like it is latched but really isn't and he can squeeze through the opening." He replies, "No, he got out of his crate in the bedroom." All I could do at the time was scrape my chin off the ground and scratch my head wondering if they truly got the latches on the crate closed and did they make sure both crate doors were latched. When I got home the hubby takes me to the bedroom to show me how they found the crate. Apparently Nimbus got the bottom latch on the side door of the crate open and squeezed through an opening no more than 4 inches wide, and that's at its widest. How we cannot figure, but he did. Even if the latch was not closed we cannot fathom how he fit through that itty bitty opening in the door. The good is we know that we can trust to be out. There were a ton of things he could have torn apart but didn't. He didn't even bother them. He did eat some wheat thin crackers, but hey, it could have been so much worse. So now when we are not home and have to put him in the crate we have to make sure to lock it with bungee cords because I live with Houdini.

Last weekend Nimbus was entered into his second puppy match. He really well. He placed 2nd in group, losing to a 5 month old boxer puppy, who was very well behaved and not jumping in circles during his down and back like the 'bus. However, Nimbus showed well and received several compliments. He will show in Fort Wayne on November 7, 2010 in his first real show. I am getting excited about this.

We have been working hard on loose leash walking and greeting manners. He can be so obnoxious when he greets other people and dogs. I have been trying to reward him every time he greets someone with all 4 feet on the ground and when he does not automatically think the other dog wants a big, white, and furry puppy in its face. He is getting better. Even the neighbors have noticed a difference in his approach to saying "Hello"

Well I think that is all I have for until next time....