Monday, November 15, 2010

Can we say, "Teenager"?????

Yes, that's what I said. I truly think I have a teen aged sammy on my hands. Nimbus has decided that I am completely clueless and no nothing. However, I am holding firm to the rules and he pouts about it, but eventually figures out I am not giving in. I cannot believe how strong he is getting, and boy does he like to pull. We are working hard on that too. I am in search of a harness so that I can start trying to train him when it is appropriate to pull and give him an outlet for doing so. Nothing too heavy, but at least something to give him the chance to do so. Any suggestions on where to get one would be very much appreciated.

Today was Nimbus's last day of puppy class with Jenn. We had a great time using what skills we learned competing against our class mates in various dog friendly games. We didn't do so great but that's ok, we've come a long way and we are still working very hard on what we have learned. However, we did win a tug toy for being able to keep water in a measuring cup while walking on a leash. Granted, Jenn was very generous in allowing us to use treats and so therefore I kept a treat in front of him the whole time. It was a lot of fun. After class Nimbus got to play with Potion. Now, for the past few weeks we have moved into the barn because of the weather getting cooler. The floor in the barn is dirt, loose dirt at the moment. So when the two of them get to running around the dust gets stirred up. Then after a few minutes of bity face the dirt becomes mud, not mud on the ground, mud on the puppies. So I have a few pictures of what Nimbus typically looks like after a night of puppy class when he gets some play time with his best friend. We have decided that we are going to change his registration to liver/white and then change his bread to border collie since I cannot show a liver and white sam. I think that's all I have for until next time

Bus tugging with Harley Look Mom, I'm a good dirty dog...:-)

After playing with Potion in the barn Only a face a momma can love

Sacked out after puppy class and playing with Harley

Sunday, November 7, 2010

I Have an Awesome Boy

So today is Nimbus's 6 month birthday. Wow, I can't believe he is 6months old already. He had a very exciting day today. Today was Nimbus's first conformation show. I was so nervous. My stomach was all in knots and aching. It got better tho as time got closer to show. He was the only dog in his class, so therefor he won his class. But then we went on to compete against the other dogs for Winners Dog. And what do you know, my 'bus won. He lost to a very nice bitch in best of winners, but that's ok. He earned his first point today and I can honestly say I have a pointed dog. It was nice to share this accomplishment with Kenny and Jenn. They were both there for support and I appreciate it very much. I have a lot to learn about showing, but we are having fun learning it together. I have a few pictures that I will post soon. I am very tired from all the excitement and the emotional roller coaster I was on today. I just had to post about my awesome boy. I love my 'bus!!! So until next time...