Monday, November 15, 2010

Can we say, "Teenager"?????

Yes, that's what I said. I truly think I have a teen aged sammy on my hands. Nimbus has decided that I am completely clueless and no nothing. However, I am holding firm to the rules and he pouts about it, but eventually figures out I am not giving in. I cannot believe how strong he is getting, and boy does he like to pull. We are working hard on that too. I am in search of a harness so that I can start trying to train him when it is appropriate to pull and give him an outlet for doing so. Nothing too heavy, but at least something to give him the chance to do so. Any suggestions on where to get one would be very much appreciated.

Today was Nimbus's last day of puppy class with Jenn. We had a great time using what skills we learned competing against our class mates in various dog friendly games. We didn't do so great but that's ok, we've come a long way and we are still working very hard on what we have learned. However, we did win a tug toy for being able to keep water in a measuring cup while walking on a leash. Granted, Jenn was very generous in allowing us to use treats and so therefore I kept a treat in front of him the whole time. It was a lot of fun. After class Nimbus got to play with Potion. Now, for the past few weeks we have moved into the barn because of the weather getting cooler. The floor in the barn is dirt, loose dirt at the moment. So when the two of them get to running around the dust gets stirred up. Then after a few minutes of bity face the dirt becomes mud, not mud on the ground, mud on the puppies. So I have a few pictures of what Nimbus typically looks like after a night of puppy class when he gets some play time with his best friend. We have decided that we are going to change his registration to liver/white and then change his bread to border collie since I cannot show a liver and white sam. I think that's all I have for until next time

Bus tugging with Harley Look Mom, I'm a good dirty dog...:-)

After playing with Potion in the barn Only a face a momma can love

Sacked out after puppy class and playing with Harley

Sunday, November 7, 2010

I Have an Awesome Boy

So today is Nimbus's 6 month birthday. Wow, I can't believe he is 6months old already. He had a very exciting day today. Today was Nimbus's first conformation show. I was so nervous. My stomach was all in knots and aching. It got better tho as time got closer to show. He was the only dog in his class, so therefor he won his class. But then we went on to compete against the other dogs for Winners Dog. And what do you know, my 'bus won. He lost to a very nice bitch in best of winners, but that's ok. He earned his first point today and I can honestly say I have a pointed dog. It was nice to share this accomplishment with Kenny and Jenn. They were both there for support and I appreciate it very much. I have a lot to learn about showing, but we are having fun learning it together. I have a few pictures that I will post soon. I am very tired from all the excitement and the emotional roller coaster I was on today. I just had to post about my awesome boy. I love my 'bus!!! So until next time...

Sunday, October 3, 2010

I think I have met Houdini and he lives in my House

Wow, I have really been busy. Did that title grab your attention? Well I hope so because the text message I got from the hubby yesterday did. I was working a booth in Flora to promote my business and I get a text that says Nimbus has escaped his cage. I figured he meant the xpen in which I responded "Are you sure you latched it all the way down? Sometimes it looks like it is latched but really isn't and he can squeeze through the opening." He replies, "No, he got out of his crate in the bedroom." All I could do at the time was scrape my chin off the ground and scratch my head wondering if they truly got the latches on the crate closed and did they make sure both crate doors were latched. When I got home the hubby takes me to the bedroom to show me how they found the crate. Apparently Nimbus got the bottom latch on the side door of the crate open and squeezed through an opening no more than 4 inches wide, and that's at its widest. How we cannot figure, but he did. Even if the latch was not closed we cannot fathom how he fit through that itty bitty opening in the door. The good is we know that we can trust to be out. There were a ton of things he could have torn apart but didn't. He didn't even bother them. He did eat some wheat thin crackers, but hey, it could have been so much worse. So now when we are not home and have to put him in the crate we have to make sure to lock it with bungee cords because I live with Houdini.

Last weekend Nimbus was entered into his second puppy match. He really well. He placed 2nd in group, losing to a 5 month old boxer puppy, who was very well behaved and not jumping in circles during his down and back like the 'bus. However, Nimbus showed well and received several compliments. He will show in Fort Wayne on November 7, 2010 in his first real show. I am getting excited about this.

We have been working hard on loose leash walking and greeting manners. He can be so obnoxious when he greets other people and dogs. I have been trying to reward him every time he greets someone with all 4 feet on the ground and when he does not automatically think the other dog wants a big, white, and furry puppy in its face. He is getting better. Even the neighbors have noticed a difference in his approach to saying "Hello"

Well I think that is all I have for until next time....

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Where has the time gone???

Wow, I guess I hadn't realized that it has been about two weeks since I last posted. I don't know where the time has gone. I do know that in that time my Nimbus has grown up so much. He has become some what of an escape artist, well almost any way. He thinks that when left alone in the living room it is okay to move the xpen into the kitchen. So we thought we would out smart the boy...yeah, next time remind that out smarting a sam is harder than we took a bungee cord and attached the xpen to the TV stand. Well Nimbus has learned how to unhook the bungee cord from the now I have to figure out something new for my 'bus...

I am also going shopping this weekend for a bigger wire crate. He definitely out grown the one we had and has also out grown the crate for the car so it looks like we will be starting to use the great big blue monster crate we have for the car because I do not see any point in buying a crate for him to not fit in it in a month or so.

I really need to post some pictures of him. He is such a beautiful dog. We are always getting compliments on him. He loves children and loves it when they want to pet him. We have been working very hard on walking nicely on a leash and greeting people without jumping up on them. He is learning that he gets more cookies if he sits politely than if he jumps up on them. He has also started being nicer to the cat. He loves that cat and she just does not want anything to do with him, but lately he has decided that he doesn't have rush her when he wants to see what she's up to and we have noticed that the cat is tolerating him a bit more. I have printed of the premium for his first "real" show. He will be showing up in Fort Wayne, IN on November 7, 2010; the day of his 6 month birthday. I am getting really excited to start showing him. I don't know how we will do, but I know one thing...we will have FUN.

I promise to get some pictures posted soon. Things have been very hectic around here and I hope that I can get to it before the until next time.....

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Bath time was a Breeze???? :-)

Did I say that? I guess I did. Yes folks, it's true, bath time has become something of which Nimbus will now tolerate without much fuss at all and totally to my surprise. If you have read earlier postings you know the routine we had when it came to giving the 'bus a bath. (I love my 'bus) Just had to add that. Any how, Kenny and I had done all the usual preps in getting 'bus ready for his bath. He was filthy and stunk like he rolled in something of which we could not decipher. So, it had to be done. Kenny took off his socks and shoes, I changed my clothes, we put towels down on the bathroom floor and got the water, shampoo, and towels to dry him off with ready. Kenny put him in the tub and he just stood there. I turned the sprayer on and he tried to get out, but not like in the past. He halfheartedly tried to get out. I scruffed him and told him no and that was the end of it. He quietly sulked while he got his bath. I was so excited; but as we all know bath time does not end there. I still had to dry him out and comb him through. So we get everything ready, I turn on the dryer and sit on the couch with him (he no longer fits on my schnauzer sized grooming table) and dried him and combed him. My husband asked me how much I had to beat him and the reply was none at all. He quietly let me do what needed to be done. I even got kisses while drying his belly. Hey, can't ask for much more than kisses while getting groomed. I knew that we had come a long way and that we had an understanding. You do what I want you to do and you get lots of cookies. He didn't whine, cry, or try to break free, he just laid there. I was so proud of him.

Now we are working on getting nails and feet trimmed with the same type of behavior. I must admit it is getting better every time we do it.

Nimbus is growing so much. He has begun teething and has lost a few teeth. He keeps us on our toes and I love every bit of it. Like I said, "I love my 'bus". That's all for now, we have an appointment to go herding again this weekend, will let you know how it goes. Until next time...

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Pre-teen and teething

OMG...yes I said OMG and it should holy**** but it's not. Apparently Nimbus woke up today in a pre-teen mood. He decided that everything the momma said meant nothing to him. So that means he spent a lot of time today by himself in his xpen. It started at 6:30am. I usually take him out to potty because he has been awaken due to Kolton having to get up and get ready for school and catch the bus. Afterward, we go back to bed for a couple of hours or so. However, today my husband started class and so the whole routine was jacked from the get go. Nimbus thought that since Dad got up, he should be up. I again took him potty and thought he was going to go back to bed; which was my plan seeing as how I had very little sleep and wanted at least another hour of sleep. Nimbus said "I WANT TO PLAY" I was not impressed. And to make matters worse, Harley seemed to know that I was not in the mood to let them play so early in the morning and ambushed him and encouraged the play behavior. I finally got him back in his crate where he proceeded to "complain" quietly. I waited for him to be quiet for a couple of minutes and drug myself out of bed and got up. Far earlier than I had planned mind you. Again, I took Nimbus out to potty, all he wanted to do was chase butterflies. Now, let me describe this to you. Chasing butterflies is very rewarding for Nimbus, and he loves moths even more because they are out at night and are harder to see, so it's an even better game, especially when the momma is wanting to go to SLEEP. First he play bows at them nudges them his nose to get them up out of the grass. Then he starts wagging his tail cuz he thinks some how they are going to play with him...or at least that's how he acts...I don't know. But then, the most amusing thing happens, my Samoyed puppy somehow transforms himself into a cat. Okay, not really but he starts pouncing at the butterflies on his hind legs and attempts to catch them with his front paws as if he were a cat. Now at any other time than 6:30 am or 3:00am this is amusing. I even was even amused at 8:30 this morning; however, I am not amused when chasing butterflies turns into, I have to poop so I will circle and sniff, oh look shiny, I have to sniff so I can poop, OH shiny with wings, gotta go in circles, gotta go in circles, ooooooooh more butterflies. This lasted for at least 20 minutes. I am still in my pajamas and the last place I want to be is outside with him being to consumed with catching butterflies that he won't potty. He finally pees, but no poop. So, I figure he does not have to poop because he then heads straight for the door...he heard schnauzers and wanted to see what they were doing. I put him in his xpen, so I can go potty. When I return...the bus pooped. I was not happy. He has done so good letting us know and waiting for us to take him out. He will even go to the door if he is not in the xpen. So, it is time for breakfast. Nimbus is in his xpen "waiting". More like throwing himself at it trying to break free. I continue to get everyone's food together. Nimbus is still having a fit, so he gets no food. I feed the minis who have been so quiet I am shocked because usually I have to wait a few minutes to feed them while I feed Nimbus. It takes him about 10 minutes to realize that his behavior is not getting him food. He decides he wants to sit nicely and wait quietly so I go and get his bowl. He sits so nice, I tell him "wait", which he knows usually, however today there was no there was no food for another 5 minutes. He would not wait. Actually he would not wait for anything today, the door, the leash, the xpen to open. It was insane. He finally gets to eat and decides that barking at nothing has all of a sudden become acceptable behavior. That earned him some time alone. I left the room and sent the minis outside or down the hall. When he decided to be quiet for a couple of minutes I returned. The rest of the day went ok for the most part. We went outside and played a bit. He pottied like he should; and then came time to go to puppy class. Before I had a chance to get him, he peed in the xpen, again, no warning, just peed. I get it cleaned up. Then I get his leash and go to open the xpen...he decides apparently that I am not doing it right and bolts through the xpen, jumps over my head, and runs down the hallway. The hallway is not puppy approved yet. It is puppy proofed, but not okay for him to go because we cannot trust him all together yet. I get him back, scruff him, and put him back in the xpen. We try it again after he settles down...he doesn't bolt out this time, but decides that he does not have to wait for the okay. So again he gets put back in the xpen and waits. The third time he finally waits for the okay, lets me put his leash on, and doesn't act like a complete fool on the way to the door. I potty him, he pees and is more than ready to get in the car. He was fine at puppy class. Not his usual awesome self, but much better than he had been all day with listening at home. He even did great at handling class. Poor guy doesn't know what to do will all his rear end yet, especially since that's all he has. He really is growing fast. I will post pictures later this week. He is so long and thin right now, not unhealthy looking, but you can tell he is in a growth spurt. After handling class we hang out a bit to help socialize the instructor's great dane puppy. Towards the end of the class, Jenn notice that Potion had blood on her face and head. Nimbus was the last to be mauling her so I check his mouth..and what do I see...bloody teeth. So now my puppy has begun teething...Oh the joys of puppyhood. He is learning tho, I will not stand for things I do not want and will not accept. He is not happy about them right now, however, I know he will be later and so will I. I can see that the next couple of months is going to be frustrating, a learning experience, and most entertaining as we work through the teen "years" and teething. So until next time....

Some People

I have waited a few days before blogging about this, and since I am sure most of who this pertains too won't read my blog, I feel this is a good place for it. I am basically going to rant about certain people who are in leadership positions with children. So here is the story:

My youngest son, Kolton is in 4H. He completes the dog project each year. Two years ago were blessed with the club obtaining a trainer. Not an old school trainer, but one who used positive reinforcement and clicker training. Now, what is funny about this is not two months before I met this trainer my husband and I had been talking about trying to learn how to clicker train with our new puppy Harley. (See where this is leading?) Any how, the trainer was Jenn Stanley. Now, I know if you follow my blog, you know that Jenn and I do lots of dog stuff together and are really good friends. I can honestly say she is one of the best friends I have right now. But there's more to it than that; Jenn likes what she does with her dogs and likes helping others with their dogs. This was such a refreshing change from Kolton's previous year in 4H where the "trainer" used old school methods of a choke chain and reprimanding unwanted behavior. Techniques that were obviously not working with the dog he was using at the time. When Kolton decided to use Harley, we had our doubts about what she would do for him, but by the time county fair came that first year, both my husband and myself were very impressed. Kolton had private obedience lessons with Jenn outside of the 4H training sessions, but it wasn't just Kolton and Harley making improvements; all the kids were making improvements and their dogs seemed to like training more than they had in the past.

After county fair last year, Kolton wanted to do more with Harley, so he started taking agility classes from Jenn and then started trialing in AKC agility events. They haven't qualified yet, but they have improved immensely with Jenn's help and her teaching Kolton how to work with his dog. This year once 4H "season" came around the whole club started training with clickers. The new members were showing progress each week; something that hadn't always happened in the past; and were enjoying training with their dogs. Definitely something that had not happened in years previous. This year is really when Jenn and I started to become close friends. After training each week no one would help her pack up her stuff. All the leaders would get their things and their children and rush out to leave her there by herself. The first couple of times this happened, I admit and not so proudly I pretty much did the same thing, but it did bother me. Then I started helping her and having Kolton help her. It was the least we could do. She was taking time away from her business to volunteer with and help these kids work with their dogs and teach them techniques in which they could overcome barriers that arise. Well at least as best she could in a 45 minute time period. As the spring and summer went on, the leaders were becoming more and more distant from their co-leader and trainer and you could feel the tension from all of them. After the county fair..which let me just say this...was a sham...I have never seen grown adults act so immature in my life: Jenn decided that she no longer felt like the work she was doing for 4H was where she needed to be. I don't blame her, she was never informed of anything, the other leaders did not show any appreciation for the time she put into what she was doing for the kids, nor did they find that attending training was pertinent; as to where Jenn had to be there, nobody else knew what they were doing or would take the time to learn enough to help. Now comes time for State Fair practice. Jenn is no longer helping the club, and we have acquired Nimbus, who has to have some socialization outside of our home and with other dogs and people. Well 4H practice was on Tuesday evenings, the same night as Nimbus's puppy class; which is about an hour or so away. The first week that the club met for training, I had our oldest son take Kolton while I took Nimbus to puppy class. The second week they met, my husband had the day off work, so he was able to take Kolton. The last two weeks, I had no way of getting Kolton there, or if I could get him there, I could not pick him up. I have a small window of time that I can socialize my puppy for him to be the up most well rounded puppy I can expect, and I was not losing that opportunity, especially when Kolton was working with Harley everyday at home. I had also learned that the leaders were trying to deter Kolton from using the methods he had been learning the past two years and revert back to methods that didn't work. So I can honestly say even if I could have gotten him there, I probably would not have taken him there. Now it is time for the State Fair 4H dog show.

Kolton had asked if Jenn was going to be there, and we offered to have her ride with us, and she wanted to be there to support him and the other club members that would be there. When we first got there and set up nobody was around. As we were exiting because I had to move my car out of the loading area, I saw one of our leaders, who greeted me, waved and smiled at me. In my opinion and Jenn's happy to see that we were there. All I can say is she must not have seen Jenn walking along with me because once we got back after moving the car and finding Kolton after he went thru vet check she was not too happy. As a matter fact, none of them seemed to happy. The 3 co-leaders completely snubbed us. None of them said one word to me or Jenn, and apparently the only time they talked to Kolton to say, "Good Job" was when I was not around. Only one of the parents that were there talked to us and her daughter talked to us. Other than that nothing for most of the day. One parent asked me if I knew where one of the leaders was, and although all I said was, "No" I really wanted to say "how the hell would I know where she is seeing as how she hasn't said a single word to me all day?" But I didn't. I am sure they were all wondering where Kolton was on Sunday because he did go to do showmanship. Something that had been decided I do believe before our county show and if not very soon after. Kolton doesn't like it, he gets anxious and stressed when he is doing showmanship and therefore since it is not a requirement, he doesn't have to do it anymore. So he did not go on Sunday because all he would have done was showmanship.

What also bothers me about the leaders of the club is that once the kids get to a level that they are allowed to repeat they are ok with not working towards anything else. I don't want that type of role model for my children. I want them to reach for the sky and beyond. Especially Kolton. If I had said, "Ok Kolton you can crawl now you don't have to walk." Where would he be. He has astonished doctors all of his life with the strides he has made, and there is no way I am going to let others tell him that something bigger, better, and more is not achievable by telling him he can stay there and not work towards the bigger and better. I don't know, I just don't get some people. You put yourself in a position in which you are supposed to role models for our future and then because you are not happy with who others have for friends you teach them that you can choose to no longer speak to them and forget that you were their friend at one point. The person who was hurt the most in situation was Kolton. None of the kids talked to him. When they played games they kept him out, and that had been starting to happen earlier this year when they were at agility class for 4H. I guess because he has worked hard for where he is and is the youngest in the group but the most advanced in the sport that deserves being left out. Oh well, I hope he realizes that true friends like you no matter what. I like you when you are down and help when you are behind and then they celebrate your accomplishments even if it means you have advanced beyond them.

That is my rant, if you did not make it to the end, I completely understand, it's not fun and it's not about my Nimbus...who by the way I am getting ready to post about...but if you did make this far and you have a comment about what has been said leave one for everyone because I would like to know what others think.

Friday, August 20, 2010

What a Beautiful I have

So today we, (Nimbus and I) competed in our first "show". We competed in a puppy match in Muncie, IN. Let me tell you, I cannot really think of a time when I was as nervous as I was before we went into the ring. Nimbus was the only Sammy puppy so of course he won best of breed puppy and went onto group. Well first let me tell you, when I asked how many dogs before us, I was told 4. Not 4 breeds, 4 dogs. Well that was not the case. There were 4 Dobies, 2 Akitas, 2 Danes, 2 Giant Schnauzers, 2 Rotties, a Sammy (Nimbus of course), and a Standard Schnauzer. So by the time it got to be our turn in the ring, my nerves were shot. Once I got into the ring tho, things went well. First off, the judge commented on what a nice puppy I had and that he absolutely loved Sammies. I had a few bumbles as I'll but it...but hey, it was after all my very first time really showing. I have pretended to show to help Jenn and Kolton, but never have I shown for real in anything. So when we were done with breed, Jenn gave me a few pointers and reminded me to breathe and told I didn't do to bad and that 'bus looked pretty good all things considered. Then it was time for the group. We were pretty much the last in line besides the standard schnauzer, but this time I wasn't as nervous and Nimbus seemed to know what he was supposed to do. least when there were not dropped cookies in his path. The judge started picking and the order went: Akita, Giant Schnauzer, Doberman, and Sammy....YAY...the 'bus placed fourth in group. As the judge gave me our ribbon he said.."you are going to have a lot of fun with him." Also, as I was in the ring, one of the watchers commented how what a nice Sammy he was and told me that he has keeshonds and would take my puppy if I would part with him. NO WAY!!!!! I love my 'bus, beautiful or not. He keeps me very busy and on my toes and he's quite the Even if we had not placed at all today, I was very proud of him. He didn't throw any tantrums about having to stay looking pretty and standing. He was very attentive to me and the compliments we got on him were enough for me to know he's going to be turning heads for a long time to come. Thanks Donna for my beautiful little man. I couldn't ask for better. I can't wait for our next match and we will have plenty of practice between now and then, even if I'm not exactly sure when the next one is. I'll have to ask Jenn. She is my "agent" and tells me when and where I need to be. I have been working on finding out which shows have puppy matches and most of the time I already have the dates in my calendar.

Well I really need to get to bed. Another early morning tomorrow, this time for Kolton and Harley...State Fair 4H dog until next time....

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

OOOOhhhhhhhh DUCKS!!!!!!

Yep that's what it says, ducks. Nimbus loves ducks. He especially likes to tell you off when you don't let him head off the ducks.

Today was the 'bus's first attempt at herding and he got to play with ducks. At first I was a little hesitant because when we first got to the farm Nimbus wanted to charge and bark at the ducks. Once he was in the pen with them he pretty much knew what to do...make the ducks go around in a circle. Well not exactly, but that's what he did, he even drove them out of the corners. I was so proud. The first time the instructor took him in because as with everything else with Nimbus, I have never even considered herding so therefor was completely clueless. She was quite impressed with how he wanted to head them off. She wasn't expecting that from a Sammy. He did really well. He did however not like that he could not head them off and would let you know it. He also did not like the rake that would block him and tried to bite at it once or twice. The second time he got to go in with the ducks, I took him in. I got a bit, going in circles can do that to you. Nimbus was getting a bit excited and when I tried to make him lay down, I fell over and then could not get back up without help. Yes I admit this. It's part of my experience. Am I embarrassed? Of course, especially since Jenn was there video taping the whole thing. I eventually did get with help and the whole time I was down, Nimbus was over in a corner just watching the ducks and watching me. He was very concerned that his momma had fallen. That made me feel good because one, he really wanted to get to those ducks, but didn't and two, he was concerned for me and even after I got up he was not quite the same until he realized I was fine. I know we have a good bond. I LOVE my 'bus. Even with all of his crazy antics and days that I get frustrated, he is definitely where he should be....with me.

This week he will have his first puppy match. Friday we are going to Muncie, IN to compete in our first puppy match. This will be a first for both of us. Although I have been to handling classes and so has Nimbus, neither of us has competed in conformation and tho this is just a match, I am still a bit nervous. I am sure things will go just fine, but that doesn't make the butterflies I feel go away when I think about it. So, with that said, you can guess what tomorrow is going to be like for Nimbus. Yep, a bath, feet trimmed, and nails trimmed. He does not know this yet and I won't tell him until it's time.

I have recently learned that Nimbus is another Houdini. I have one with my Maggie. She could get out any type of enclosure we put her in. Apparently Nimbus is learning this skill. I am sure the short time he spent with his Aunt Venus didn't help much. He has squeezed through ring gating and just a few moments ago escaped his xpen by barreling through it. I would swear that boy has some kind of wizardly skill about him to walk through solid objects. We have also noticed him trying to figure out the latches on his crate at night. He watches very intently on how we use those and I have heard him fussing with them. I do stop that, however, I cannot stop it when he is in it while we are gone. Hopefully he will not discover how to get them open.

Well I think that's all I have for now...I will post again after his puppy match...wish us luck...and until next time....

Friday, August 13, 2010

What Next???

This week has been very trying. Not only with Nimbus and his incessant barking, but with life in general. Like I mentioned last time, I had spent four days in Cincinnati, OH at training for Pure Romance. I had a great time, however, since I have been home, I really haven't had much time to spend with my family. Kenny has been working late, Brandon has been working and getting things ready to go back to school, Brock has been trying to get done what he needs done for school, and well my baby, Kolton started middle school this week. On top of that I have spent most of the week in doctors' offices for one thing or another. What a week!!!

Nimbus has decided that barking is a good way to let you know everything. When I say everything, I mean everything...he barks because he wants to go out, he barks because he wants to play, he barks because the other dogs bark, he barks because he wants a drink...I honestly cannot think of a reason why he doesn't bark. We have been trying many different approaches to this. The one that works the best is to take him out when he first starts barking and walk him around, play with him, give him time to potty. We usually give him about 10-15 minutes. He also gets a drink during this time. We come back in and put him back in the xpen. If he continues to bark, when he quiets for about 30 seconds to a minute we take him back out to make sure he doesn't still have business to do outside. Again, we give about 10-15 minutes. When we come back in we put him back in the xpen. If he still barks we try to ignore him. Usually he will stop and play or settle down. We have tried squirt bottles with water and shaker bottles. The shaker bottles just got him more excited. Apparently he just thought they were loud water bottle toys. The squirt bottle worked for a little bit, but now he thinks it's a game and bites at the water. I hope as he gets older he will not bark as much. I am thankful tho that his bark is not nearly as high pitched as it once was.

In the past week, Nimbus's ear has finally decided it wants to perk up. He looks so grown up now. He still has puppy face, however with no droopy ear he looks older. He continues to grow. I can't believe how much he has grown in the past week. He has had a busy week too. On Tuesday he had puppy class. He loves it when they get the tunnel out. This week they had the little tunnel, and I know by the time we go back in two weeks he will not be able to fit in it. He is doing very well about coming when called, even when playing with the other puppies. I was so proud of him. He is learning to settle and pay more attention to me when we are out and about. After puppy class we headed on over to a handling class that is just a few minutes away. Nimbus did great for his first handling class. I think he was trying to impress Potion, who did an awesome job at the class. Wednesday, I took 'bus to my cousin who grooms dogs, for a bath. Usually Kenny and I give him a bath, but with Kenny working so many extra hours I didn't have an extra set of hands to help so I had my cousin do it. He looked great when I picked him up. I need to trim his feet and nails, but I will be able to do that tomorrow when Kenny is home. Chuck, my cousin said he and Nimbus had an understanding. Nimbus lets him get done what needs to be done without too much fuss and Chuck will give him cookies. The rest of the week we spent working on the table and basic obedience. He is doing much better with the table, but I have noticed it is time for a new one, well at least one big enough for my busbus. He has almost completely outgrown the one I have for the minis.

Talking about the minis...Kolton and Harley have been working on obedience and agility in preparation for the Indiana State Fair 4H dog show coming up next weekend. They have been spending about 30 minutes every evening working on what homework Jenn gave them. I am excited about the fair this year. I don't expect them to place, but I do expect that they will do much better than in years past. Next week, Nimbus has his first puppy match in Muncie. All I am hoping for is for him to not completely blow his brain and for me to be able to keep mine as well.

Oh yeah, tonight was a bit of a surprise for him as far as Nimbus's behavior was concerned. He started showing some guarding issues. When I caught him guarding, I firmly told him NO and took away what he was guarding. Eventually he ended up in the xpen without any toys sulking. I will not allow that. I do not allow it from any of my dogs. I know with consistency and reminding him who is alpha, we will get thru this.

I am posting a few pictures of Nimbus: some are after his fun in the mud and a couple of are of his face with perky ears...enjoy...and until next time.....

Nimbus with Kenny after his romp in the mud

Who couldn't love that face, mud and all???

Nimbus says,"Playing in mud makes me tired."

I just think this it tooo cute.

"Look Mom no droopy ears!!!" He's growing too fast.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Finally Home

I had a wonderful time in Cincinnati, OH at Pure Romance National Training. I left early on Thursday morning and got home Sunday evening. Well actually just a few hours ago. I was ready to be home. I don't know how many of you have spent three days in seminars and motivational speakers, but let me tell you, I feel my brain is going to explode. It was great tho. I had a wonderful time, met a lot of fabulous, awesome women, and made new friends. On that note, I am happy to be home with my family; and nothing says, "Mommy, we missed you and are glad you are home!!!!" like wet kisses from my furry children. Even Jozie gave me kisses and she never does that. I was excited to see that Nimbus was excited about my return, but saddened to see how much he had grown in the short time I was gone. Even his bark has changed. He went from having a sharp, high pitched puppy bark to having a Sammy woo woo/bark. I thought I was going to cry. I know he has had to have grown at least an inch in those four days and gained five pounds. I'm sure you think I'm exaggerating, but I'm not. I just can't believe how much he has grown since Thursday morning. While I was away, Kolton worked with him doing puppy push ups. I didn't want him to think that just because I wasn't home that he would get off from having to work for at least one of his meals. Jenn was nice enough to send me a quick video of Nimbus and Potion playing. I was so excited to get that. Kenny took him on a couple of walks around the neighborhood, which was very nice of him. I knew my family would meet his basic needs, but they were wonderful and took great care of him. However, I do need to give him a bath. Apparently he and Potion were in a contest to see who could get who the grungiest. I'm sure Nimbus won because I hear he rolled Potion in poop and she had to get sprayed with cold water from the hose. Potion decided that she would just let Nimbus be pressure to stop the bleeding from her loose tooth and stain him with it. Kenny was nice enough to clean that off, however, he is still pretty gross looking, so tomorrow a bath is on the agenda. I am very glad to be home and able to spend some time with my family and my dogs. I will write more until next time....

Thursday, July 29, 2010

What a Week

Yes, I know, it's been a week almost since my last post. We have had a very busy week. Monday, Kolton and Harley had class with Jenn. First they worked a bit on agility. Kolton will be running Harley at the State Fair in the 4H dog show and needs to improve weaves and a bit of distance on them with Harley. After agility they did a bit of obedience. Harley's stays are getting better, not great but hopefully with work and three weeks to go they will do great at the fair. While Kolton and Harley worked, Nimbus got to hang out with his best buddy, Potion. It is amazing how rough they play and yet both of them go back looking for more. Nimbus will grab Potion by the side of the face and just drag her across the xpen. But she is always coming right back for more.

Tuesday, we had our second week of puppy class. Nimbus loves playing with the other puppies and is not rough with them like he is Potion. This week at class, Nimbus got to meet another Sammy lover. Her name is Vicki and she has shown Sammies in the past. She kept trying to give me instructions on how to train him and that it's ok to train a sit. Nimbus has a sit, he has no verbal cue for a sit, but does sit. He also has a down and stand. Stand is starting to get a cue as is down, but I am not working extremely hard on it yet. We have been working on walking nicely on a leash, and waiting at the door. Wait is coming along wonderfully. He does it great at home, out and about we are still working on, but it's coming along. Walking on the leash is also going pretty well unless there is something he absolutely has to get to, ie: Potion. Usually when he sees Potion he wants to pull hard on the leash, so we are working on it. He is still doing great with house breaking; granted right now it's more preventive than anything...taking him out often and giving him plenty of time to do what he needs to do. He has had a couple of accidents, but it's not because he hasn't told us..usually it's because I have to go before I take him out.

We have also been working on the table. I have been feeding at least one meal a day on the grooming table. I really want him to feel comfortable on the table, whether he is standing or laying down on it. He still is not quite sure of himself when he's on the table.

So, today Nimbus went to the vet for boosters. He was amazing..well he did pee on the vet, but he was very excited and just couldn't help it. He got a great bill of health and did fantastic for the shot. He weighs 15.8lbs. Wow he sure is growing fast. The vet was glad to see that I have trained for him to looked over. He didn't mind her "digging" in his ears or fumbling around with his feet and belly. He was not thrilled with her looking at his teeth but he tolerated it. Yeah, we are working on that too. I try to take about 10 minutes every night and go over him. Mess with his feet, rub his belly and back, and try to get fingers in his mouth. He is not thrilled with people messing around his muzzle but it is getting better.

Ok, so on to some fun stuff. We have a blast playing with Nimbus...he cracks us up on a daily basis. Tonight I took him out and he was cat pouncing crickets in the yard. He also likes to cat pounce his tennis balls or the zapp ball. The zapp ball makes all sorts of noise and lights up. He loves to throw it and chase it. Sometimes he gets the pink tennis ball mixed up with the zapp ball and gets a quizzical look on his if to say, "Hey, I bounced you, why you not make noise and light up?" He loves and when I say loves, I mean LOVES plastic water bottles. We take the cap and wrapper off of them and just hand him the empty bottle. He will play with it until it is as flat as it can possibly get. He will slide on them around the living room, chew them, throw them or just carry it around. I don't know what it is, but he loves those things. He loves to chase Harley around and to torment the cat. However, the cat loves to torment him as well. When he is in the xpen, she will lay just right outside of it swooshing her tail. It drives him crazy. He will bark and bark at her and she just lays there knowing he can't get her.

Going to bed has become much easier, Nimbus has a pretty good "get in" command. When we are ready to go to bed we tell him to get in, and he gets right into his crate. For awhile he would get agitated if one of us got up in the night to go to the bathroom, but lately it's been getting better. He doesn't fuss as much if at all. He likes to get a piece of ice when we get ready to go to bed. If I have ice in my hand on the way to the bedroom, he will run ahead and just in his crate without being asked. He is such a great puppy. We all adore him and have fun with him. I find training the humans to be harder than training Nimbus. It's amusing to watch the others try to get him to do something by telling him rather than giving him a hand signal. He just looks at them like they are crazy. I have been showing them how to work with him because he needs to know he has to listen to everyone not just me, especially since I will be gone for three days next week. So I have been trying to run errands and spend a couple of hours a day away from home so he doesn't have a horrible time with me not being home. So far, it's been going well, and he always gives me a wonderful greeting when I come home.

We have a busy weekend planned. Saturday, Kolton will have an agility class, then Sunday we are going to an obedience/rally show n go and taking the puppy so he can hang out and Monday we are doing a rental and also taking the puppy. I don't think I will be able to post again for another week or so. I leave Wednesday or Thursday for Cincinnati for training with Pure Romance (my business) and won't be home until next Sunday. So until next time....

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Well Then...

I know I haven't posted in a few days. It's been really busy around the house. Nimbus is doing great. Wednesday, he got to go hang out at the farm with Potion while Jenn taught a couple of classes. Before, between and after her classes we tried to get some stack and movement shots of Nimbus. They are posted on her Facebook profile. Some of them aren't too awful bad. I have a very handsome guy on my hands. He loves playing Potion and whenever I mention her he seems to get excited. He is starting to bully her though. He has figured out how to throw his weight around a bit and will drag her by the side of her face. I hope this stops soon because Nimbus will be quite a bit bigger than Potion once they are both grown.

I have been working on getting Nimbus comfortable on the grooming table while lying down. He is doing better; I hope to incorporate some kind of grooming while doing this next week. We'll see. Today, I finally got his nails done. It was a bit of a chore: My husband had to hold him and I finally just got the Dremel out and did them. That was much easier than trying to use the nail clippers. He also didn't seem to mind the Dremel nearly as much as the nail clippers. After we were finished we gave a lot of treats and let him go out for some fun. I hope as we work more on this it will get easier.

Nimbus is finding some entertainment with a soccer ball now. He will chase it and bump it with his nose or will jump on it and make it go rolling away. It has been so hot he mostly would rather lay in the shade. I can't blame him, that's what I would like to be doing too.

We have continued working on door manners and he is doing very well. Most of the time he doesn't try to bolt out the door and will wait for me to say "OK" before he goes out. He is also starting to sit and wait for the signal. We have also applied this to the xpen and crate. He's learning. He has also learned that some people don't know the rules and tries to take advantage of them. It's a lot of work not only training the puppy, but also the people who live with the puppy.

I am thinking of starting a Facebook account for Nimbus so that more people can follow what he is up to and watch him grow up. Keep an eye out for this. So until next time...

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Baths and Puppy Class

The last couple of days have been busy ones for Nimbus, or has he has been dubbed by Jenn and just about everyone else, Busbus. On Sunday, he had a nice play date with his Poshey. He loves Potion and they play very well together. It is amusing tho when he decides it's time for a nap and Potion tries endlessly to wake him up. She gets rather frustrated and will start grunting at him and pushing toys at him, or jumping over him, pretty much anything she can think of to try to get him to wake up. I guess she figures he came over to play and not sleep. Poor Nimbus just is not a border collie puppy with endless amounts of energy. However, Jenn was taking some wonderful pictures of the puppies and in those pictures we noticed how dirty Nimbus was. So I decided I would give him a bath. Sooooo, this is how it went:

Kenny, my husband, and I got the water started and made sure it wasn't too hot or too cold. We got towels and puppy shampoo out, and took off Nimbus' collar and then stuck him in the bath tub. That went great, of course the sprayer wasn't on yet, so he thought, "Oh cool, a pool in my home, how great, and the water is just the right temperature, this is great!!!" Kenny and I thought well this should go well...take notice of the word "thought". Let's skip ahead to when I turned on the sprayer. Oh my goodness, you would have thought someone brought out a knife and started stabbing a puppy in the bath tub. He started yelping and whining, and barking, and scrambling to get out of the tub. In about a minute Kenny was barefoot and in the tub with Nimbus. I had to remove my shirt due to the fact that the whole right side of it was dripping wet from where Nimbus had grabbed on with his front paws and tried to climb on me to get out of the way of the water. After about 25 minutes of spraying and washing and rinsing we were finally done with the bath portion of the evening. On to getting dried. After letting Nimbus shake and towel drying him as much as I could and cleaning up the hurricane mess in the bathroom and getting dry clothes on, we come into the living room to find Nimbus as hidden as he can possibly be up next to the couch. He had his whole right side up under the couch. Now, I don't know how often other people vacuum under their furniture, but we try for about once a week, unfortunately it had not been done yet at this point, so when we pick him up to put him on the grooming table he has dust all along the right side of his body. We get him onto the table and turn on the shop vac. (yes, I know, this is not an appropriate way to dry my sammy, but for now it works until I can find a dryer I like). I don't try to blow him with it yet, I just turned it on and started giving him treats, well let me tell you, this was not happening in his mind. He was trying with all his might to jump off that table. It ended up taking me, Kenny, and our youngest son to get Nimbus dried. Kolton fed him treats while Kenny kept him from jumping off the table and I blew him with the shop vac. We finally got him dried and combed out. He is such a gorgeous boy when he is clean. We have noticed he has a little bit of biscuit coloring in his fur around his face mostly by his ears and on his forehead, which makes him look as if he is wearing a bright white mask on his muzzle. However, he is clean and none worse for the experience. So it looks like I have a lot to help him work thru, but we are going to take it slow and make sure he knows that everything can be fun and not so stressful.

Tuesday was a great day for Nimbus. He got to go to his first puppy class. I think it made it better for him because Potion is also in this class. But he had a lot of fun with the other puppies in the class. He played very nicely and really impressed the "teacher". She couldn't believe how well he behaved being his first experience in the class. We have been working on door manners and although they are nowhere near perfected he is starting to show some impulse control. He did awesome on the recall exercise, coming right to me when I called him and when it was time to not play and settle, he only took a minute to do that. I was very proud of how well he did. I am excited to go back next week. I really like the class, they use +R in the class so if I want to c/t something he has done well then I don't have to worry about it disrupting anything because it is encouraged.

We have had a lot of fun the past few days with outings and playing. Nimbus has learned his name and comes running willingly when you call him. He has learned the kitty is not something that wants to play with him and he is learning to be easier on the minis. Although the two biggest ones weigh more than he does at the moment, he is as big as they are and then double the size of the other two. He still loves to hide in the cats "cave", I don't know how long he will actually fit in there but until he is too big, I'm sure that will be his favorite spot. Until next time...

Nimbus and Potion playing

Nimbus playing with Koda our oldest Schnauzer

Nimbus outside in the yard

Relaxing inside

In the tub, not very happy

I'm flat, and hiding under couch, you don't see

Look, all clean, what a pretty puppy dog

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Settling In

The last couple of days I have been working with Nimbus trying to build a relationship with him. We have been working thru most of his meals on simple things like sit, down, left, right, and stand. Obviously I have not given cues for these things. He is doing really great with them. Today we added a "wave". I have begun to shape this with the clicker. It is very amusing watching him try to figure out what it was that got the click. He really started getting it towards the end of his meal. What I was looking for today was for him to lift his paw. By the end of the meal he was "waving" his right paw at me for kibble. Tonight, we thought we would clip the tips of his nails. They have grown quite fast and are scratching us again. However, Nimbus was not having any of that, so instead we are working on being comfortable on the table while laying on his side. I want to be able to groom him while on the table and of course I want him to be comfortable with it. So baby steps it is.

Yesterday, Nimbus got a new toy. He got a Zappo ball. It's a red ball that lights up and makes all sorts of noise when bounced. He loves it. He will pick it up and toss it and then go bounding after it. Every now and then he will bring it to one of us to throw for him, but for the most part he entertains himself with it. He has already torn a hole in one of his toys. I'm sure I can fix it, but I'm not sure for how long it will be safe. So it may be one that finds the recycle bin. Nimbus has also learned that the cat means business when she hisses at him. She has not actually gotten him, but has come close several times. Tonight we noticed he just looks at her and leaves her be. Maggie and Koda have finally taken to tolerating him. Maggie was very concerned about him when we were trying to clip his nails. She had to check and make sure he was ok. Koda has decided that barking at him doesn't make him go away and that playing with him is a lot more fun. I let the two of them run around together in the back yard yesterday and they both seemed to enjoy it...just them, no girls.

We are hoping for a play date with Potion tomorrow. That is if Jenn is feeling any better. I know Nimbus would love to play with Potion. She has a bit more energy than the minis at home.

Oh yeah, late at night, I let Nimbus roam around the living room so he can play and burn off some energy before we go to bed. I can always tell when it's time for bed. I acquire a new fuzzy rug at my feet. He loves to lay at my feet and get a belly rub. He's never far from one of us. I am so happy with him. He truly is a wonderful puppy and settling in well.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Day two in Indiana

Today was a pretty laid back day. Nimbus got to stay home all day. It was either way too hot to go anywhere or storming. And it's nice to not have to rush off anywhere. He is learning some door manners and his name. We have been clicking and treating his name. Hopefully it will sink in when we say "Nimbus" he comes running. I know the minis do because they know that the momma has cookies. Poor minis, the puppy gets all the clicks and treats. Well not all but a whole lot more than they do. He is still doing really good with pottying outside and letting us know he has to go. We have been letting him out of the xpen a bit more today. My living is set up so that we can close off the hallway and the kitchen and keep him in just the one room. His favorite place to sleep when he is not in the xpen is at my feet. I love that even if it does make my feet hot. Maggie and Koda are starting to get used to him more and not so grumpy when he checks them out. The cat loves to torment him thru the xpen wires. Nimbus will just play bow and bark at her and she just lays there with that look of, "ha ha, you can't get me here". I never said the cat was nice. Actually she doesn't really seem to mind him too much, just really enjoys tormenting him. Mostly today we just worked on door manners and his name. Door manners are getting better. Well it's late and just about time for bed. So, until next time.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Day one at my new home, in the words of Nimbus

Wow, what a day I had. First after sleeping all night in my new home, my new mommy and daddy took me outside. I have been doing very good about not pottying in the house. Then I got breakfast. Half of it was in a bowl like normal, the other half was in a toy. That was fun trying to get out of there. Even more fun was watching the other dogs watch me as I played with it and food came flying out. Then, I got to play with my Harley and Jozie. Harley likes to woo woo at me when I bark at her. I like to hide from her and then run out and jump on her. She is a good big sister. Hope she knows I am soon going to be lots bigger than her. After all of that excitement, I took a little nap. Then I had lunch and pottied outside again. Wow is it ever hot here, but I am getting used to it. For dinner, my new mommy she did some funny things. She made me sit on my bottom, stand up, lay down, and turn circles before she would let me have food. I tried to jump up on her but she said I couldn't have any food if I was going to jump. Oh yeah, and she made this clicky sound, and whenever she did that I got food. I really liked the clicky sound. After my mommy had her something to eat, we got in the car. I'm not so sure if I like the box in the car, but all I know is when I got out, I got to see my good friend Potion and her mommy Jenn. We played and played and played outside. Then Jenn got the pool out and we got to get in it and play. That was nice cuz it was really hot. After we got dried off some, we went inside Potions cage and I took another nap. I don't know what my mommy was doing with Potion's brothers but then she decided she needed to do it to me. I was not very happy, but I got lots of treats when I was being good. Now, my feet are not so hairy and my toes don't scratch my mommy anymore. I also learned I can't use my teeth on peoples hands. After that, I got to outside again, and play with my buddy. Then we got back in the car. Oh yeah, while I was playing with Potion, she told how fun it was to drive the mommies crazy with barking, and whining, and screeching while you are in the boxes. My mommy was not impressed, but she just let me keep doing it. That really was not fun, so I decided to lay down and go to sleep. Then we got home and my new brother, he keeps barking at me. I don't know why, but tonight when I was in my cage (xpen) he stopped and just sniffed and then went to bed. I think, I am liking my new home. Everybody has been nice, and I have lots of other doggies to play with. Look at the video my mommy has posted of me and my Harley.

Yes, Nimbus is keeping very busy with his new family. We are enjoying him so much. He had a great time today with Harley and then later with Potion. He was not impressed with getting his feet trimmed and his nails clipped, but liked that he got lots of treats when he didn't fight us while getting it done. We have started working through meals. Right now I am just working on basic things like sit, down, stand, left, right. No cues just luring. He loves the clicker and knows when I click it he's getting a treat or kibble. He threw his first fit today in the crate. It lasted almost all the way home from Jenn's, about 10 minutes. He finally realized that I was not responding to him and he decided he would just lay down and chew on his water bottle. He loves the water bottles. He has been great. No messes in the house so far, and he has let me know every time he has had to go potty. He does like swimming in his water bowl tho. Any how, it is almost time for bed, so until tomorrow...good night. Be sure to watch the video of Nimbus and Harley playing.

Puppy Love

The last two days I have spent driving in some questionable weather with a friend so that I can fall in love with a puppy.

Jenn and I hit the road around 5:00 am Monday morning and headed to North Carolina. On the way we drove thru some nasty weather. Jenn claims it was because the puppy knew we were headed to get him. We finally made it to our destination around 4 pm. Brandy brings out the puppy and instantly I was smitten. Nimbus is great. So lively, inquisitive and lovable.

We took the puppies, (Jenn brought along Potion, here border collie puppy) into the back yard to meet. They took a few minutes to hit it off, but soon became great friends. They ran and chased each other all around the yard. Then found the tunnel, both I believe are going to be tunnel monsters. Potion found the pool and was very excited to go swimming. Brandy brought out her other dogs, three Samoyeds, and introduced them to Potion one at a time. It wasn't long before all 5 dogs were in the yard. Puppies were the most entertaining, well except for Clover who was in the pool trying to catch the gold fish. Yes, I said trying to catch the gold fish. Brandy has a small plastic kiddie pool in her backyard and has currently 1 gold fish in it. Clover and Venus were trying to get it, however, Clover would mostly just bite at anything and sometimes nothing that would move in the pool.

The night went on and time for bed came. It didn't take him long to settle down, however, it's been a long time since I have had to wake every two hours to attend to someone else's needs. Nimbus decided he had to go potty every two hours. We got up early, but Jenn and Brandy were nice and let me take a nap...yay for good friends.

We started our trip back to Indiana around 3:00 or so. After about an hour on the road, Brandy sends Jenn a text message about tornado warnings and watches...yay for bad weather, NOT. So as we are trying to figure where we are and if the warnings pertain to anywhere around us, we start seeing these ominous looking clouds, driving thru some nasty rain, and then more ominous clouds. At one point we see a cloud start some rotation and a tail forming, and all we can think is look people put your foot on the pedal and DRIVE!!! Needless to say, we didn't get caught up in a tornado, but the possibility of it was more than enough for us. I was given an ultimatum if it were to happen again. Puppy's name would have to be changed. Well as you can see his name is still Nimbus. After some freaky GPS directions and a few out of the way roads, we finally made it home.

Nimbus did great thru the night. He slept all night, thank goodness. The minis are not so sure how they feel about a puppy that is as big as they are. Currently Nimbus is spending some time in the xpen until we can get some house training completed. He is great with letting us know he needs to go out. He's not so sure about this nice hot and humid weather, but that's ok for now, we have some air conditioning in the house. He loves his raccoon toy, and all of my two legged men.

All I can say is I have fallen for this little boy, and am even more excited about my new adventure with him.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Just One More Day

So, I heard from Donna, the breeder of my sammy puppy. I am so excited, I get to pick him up on Monday in North Carolina...So Jenn and I are going to take a road trip to get him and take her border collie puppy Potion along for the ride and to meet Brandy and her sams. I am getting the puppy I was hoping to get, which makes me even happier. I would have been happy with any of the boys with good structure, but something about the "black" boy just really appealed to me. So now I have been counting down hours and at the time of this posting it will be only 28 hours or so before we get on the road to pick up my Nimbus. Check back soon for pictures and updates on he's doing and how we are coming along on our adventure.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Hello, this is me!!!

Hi, this is my first ever time blogging. I'm not sure how well I will be at updating my blog...but with any luck I will try to post at least once or twice a month. So, if there are more postings than that, you all can feel extra special..I know I will. My name is Angie and I live with my husband, 3 boys, 1 cat, and 4 miniature schnauzers. However, in about a week we are adding a new addition, a samoyed. His name will be Nimbus and he is my first show dog. I am excited to be starting this journey with him. I first need to thank Donna Cummings for giving me this opportunity to raise one of her puppies and work with him in conformation and agility.

Many people have asked me why I have 4 mini schnauzers. All I can say is that they are a bit like potato chips. You get your first one and love it so much that you think 2 would be even better. Then you think, "wow, I love my 2 I have, I think I'll get a third." After our third we decided we would try our hand at breeding so we got a 4th. Now we don't have the original 4 we started with, but yes, I still have 4 and don't think that will change for some time. We keep saying that when they start to get older and pass on, we won't get any more, but some how I know I will always have minis. Our first was Chewie. He was a birthday present from my husband to me. Chewie was my love. However, he had some social problems to say the least. He was a pet store puppy. Yes, I know all the horrible stories, but did that sway me? Not with Chewie. He looked at me with those soul piercing eyes and just watched the boys as they looked at the other puppies through the glass and I knew he had to come home with me that night. Chewie was a great dog, even with all of his allergies, social problems, and health issues. Chewie know when my sugars were crazy and would not leave my side if I was sick. However, his life was short; we had to put him down the summer of 2008. His health was making his life awful and we made the hardest decision we ever had to make...put him down. Chewie was almost 7 when he was euthanized. He gave me my first taste of owning a mini and I don't regret any of it. Koda is our oldest now and was the second mini to join our family. He is a great dog. He will be 7 this fall and still acts like a puppy most days. He swears that Brock, our middle son, belongs to him and when Brock is not home, we know because Koda is at the door waiting on him to arrive. Maggie is my "mommas". She was third addition to our schnauzer group. When we first started looking for a schnauzer I always said I did not want a black one. Then one day, I decided I wanted a black female and her name would be Maggie, and so it was. Maggie has been the easiest dog to live with. I don't even think we had to house break her. However, she is an escape artist. We would put her in an x-pen and she would get out, so we tried crating her, and still we would come home to find her running around the house, but never did we find any messes or anything chewed we just let her stay out. We decided that everyone needed a schnauzer, so we thought we would try our hand at breeding. We looked for a suitable stud and could not find anybody with a male I liked or anybody I trusted to use their stud. That's how we ended up with Simon. We don't have Simon any more, but he was great stud dog. He gave us 3 beautiful litters with Maggie. All 3 litters had 6 puppies, and all of those puppies are doing great. We hear great things about them when we go to the vet or the dentist. Well that's because our children's dentist has one of the puppies. When we rehomed Simon, our schnauzer family felt off, we liked having four so we were on the hunt again. Only this time, we were looking for one that would not conform to breed standard, he/she had to be small. That's how we ended up with Harley. When looking for a smaller version of the mini, I found a breeder who bred for toy sized schnauzers. We were wanting a black and silver, but got another salt and pepper in Harley. Harley is now 2 and works with our youngest son in 4H and AKC agility. She has amazed us with her talent and willingness to work with Kolton. After putting Chewie down, we were again back to 3 and I had seen liver and tan colored schnauzers and thought that would be nice to have. Well that's how we ended up with Jozie. Jozie is the smallest of the bunch. She weighs about 8lbs and is a liver pepper colored schnauzer. She is my sugars..but her small size has led to some serious issues with trust and control. We are working through them and making some progress. Well that brings me to my current adventure...a samoyed. I'm not really sure how it all started...probably with Kolton wanting a siberian husky and Jenn telling us that a sibe is probably not the best choice...and started talking to us about a friend of her's sams. Well after reading about and talking to Brandy about them, I decided that a samoyed would be a good fit in our here I am waiting until I find out which boy will be mine and when I can pick him up. Well I know when I get to pick him up...just really waiting to see which boy will end up being my Nimbus.