Well, it sure has been a long time since I even thought about posting in my blog. I have been a very busy person, or at least I like to think I have been. Nimbus will be 2 in just a couple of weeks and so much has happened in the past year, I don't even know where to begin. We celebrated his 1st birthday with dog friendly birthday cake. He loved it, as did the schnauzers, they love everything we give them. Our dogs are just the best. They don't care what we give them, they always think it is something special :) Nimbus earned a few points showing last year, he's up to 3. Hoping we can get some majors in somewhere and hopefully a judge will like him enough so he can some of those points out of the way. We are showing this weekend in Terre Haute, IN. It's about a 3 hour drive, so not too bad. We will be staying as opposed to driving back and forth. It will be nice to have some Bus and momma time without all the other dogs. I love my minis, but sometimes it's so nice to just chill with Bus in a bed. He loves to curl up and have ears rubbed, and that is sooo relaxing for me. Jenn Stanley will hopefully be handling him this weekend. She came to our rescue in November after a very stressful three days of showing in Fort Wayne. Nimbus works well for her. He doesn't push so much to see what he can get away with. He tries, just not as hard as he does with me. I know it's because I'm mom, just sometimes it can get frustrating.
We had a wonderful visit with Donna last month. Donna is the breeder we got Nimbus from. It was so nice to let him play with Sammy family. He truly enjoyed it. We went to Las Vegas for my work, then spent some time with the family in Arizona, and then stopped by Donna's on the way home. It was so much fun seeing how much of a Sam Nimbus truly is. It's nice to know that some of what he does is 'normal'. lol. We also got to meet one of his litter mates, Khuno. Poor Nimbus is tiny compared to his brother, or his brother is huge compared to Bus. Either way, you could tell they were related, they both have the same look in their face. It was great. I am hoping to go to the Sammy Nationals this year so Bus can play with lots more Sams.
We have been herding a few times in the past year. He LOVES it. and, he's pretty good at it. I am also hoping to get more herding time in soon. We haven't worked a whole lot on agility. Mostly because we have been working on self control and focus. He gets really excited about things, especially four-legged, furry things. All furry, feathery, and even swimming things should be friends and if they are not they must some how become a friend. Oh, this also goes for the two-legged upright things known as people. I do believe that Nimbus would even try to make rocks is friends if he could find a way. I love his attitude and his spirit. He is very determined to make sure we know he is not happy if we do not let him greet everyone and everything that comes across his path.
I am sure I have said this before, but I will say it again. Nimbus is the best friend I have. I have never had a such a relationship with one of dogs before Bus. I am not sure how to explain it, but I am sure you know exactly what I mean. I know we were meant for each other. I knew the first time I saw him stacked that he was mine. I cannot thank Donna enough for the opportunity she has given me with Nimbus. I love him so much. Sometimes, I care more about him than I do my kids. I love my children unconditionally, however there are days when my children do not love us back unconditionally. Nimbus does. He doesn't hold a grudge when I have been gone a couple of days without him, he greets me with excitement and kisses always. He greets me that way even if I just stepped out the door for a few minutes. He also doesn't mind being our entertainment. He keeps us in stitches sometimes with his antics. I love how when he fetches something in the house he has to find something to jump over on the way back. It never fails, you could throw the toy where there is absolutely nothing in his way and he will go out of the way to jump over something coming back. I love how he will entertain himself with the cats for hours. Whether it be tormenting them while they try to hide, or getting as low as he possibly can to play bitey face with them. He is just amusing. The past 2 years has been an amazing journey. I cannot wait to see what the following year has in store for us.