Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Day one at my new home, in the words of Nimbus

Wow, what a day I had. First after sleeping all night in my new home, my new mommy and daddy took me outside. I have been doing very good about not pottying in the house. Then I got breakfast. Half of it was in a bowl like normal, the other half was in a toy. That was fun trying to get out of there. Even more fun was watching the other dogs watch me as I played with it and food came flying out. Then, I got to play with my Harley and Jozie. Harley likes to woo woo at me when I bark at her. I like to hide from her and then run out and jump on her. She is a good big sister. Hope she knows I am soon going to be lots bigger than her. After all of that excitement, I took a little nap. Then I had lunch and pottied outside again. Wow is it ever hot here, but I am getting used to it. For dinner, my new mommy she did some funny things. She made me sit on my bottom, stand up, lay down, and turn circles before she would let me have food. I tried to jump up on her but she said I couldn't have any food if I was going to jump. Oh yeah, and she made this clicky sound, and whenever she did that I got food. I really liked the clicky sound. After my mommy had her something to eat, we got in the car. I'm not so sure if I like the box in the car, but all I know is when I got out, I got to see my good friend Potion and her mommy Jenn. We played and played and played outside. Then Jenn got the pool out and we got to get in it and play. That was nice cuz it was really hot. After we got dried off some, we went inside Potions cage and I took another nap. I don't know what my mommy was doing with Potion's brothers but then she decided she needed to do it to me. I was not very happy, but I got lots of treats when I was being good. Now, my feet are not so hairy and my toes don't scratch my mommy anymore. I also learned I can't use my teeth on peoples hands. After that, I got to outside again, and play with my buddy. Then we got back in the car. Oh yeah, while I was playing with Potion, she told how fun it was to drive the mommies crazy with barking, and whining, and screeching while you are in the boxes. My mommy was not impressed, but she just let me keep doing it. That really was not fun, so I decided to lay down and go to sleep. Then we got home and my new brother, he keeps barking at me. I don't know why, but tonight when I was in my cage (xpen) he stopped and just sniffed and then went to bed. I think, I am liking my new home. Everybody has been nice, and I have lots of other doggies to play with. Look at the video my mommy has posted of me and my Harley.

Yes, Nimbus is keeping very busy with his new family. We are enjoying him so much. He had a great time today with Harley and then later with Potion. He was not impressed with getting his feet trimmed and his nails clipped, but liked that he got lots of treats when he didn't fight us while getting it done. We have started working through meals. Right now I am just working on basic things like sit, down, stand, left, right. No cues just luring. He loves the clicker and knows when I click it he's getting a treat or kibble. He threw his first fit today in the crate. It lasted almost all the way home from Jenn's, about 10 minutes. He finally realized that I was not responding to him and he decided he would just lay down and chew on his water bottle. He loves the water bottles. He has been great. No messes in the house so far, and he has let me know every time he has had to go potty. He does like swimming in his water bowl tho. Any how, it is almost time for bed, so until tomorrow...good night. Be sure to watch the video of Nimbus and Harley playing.

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